Monday 9 March 2015


Voice: Voice is that form of a verb which shows whether the subject does something or something is done to the subject.
E.g. The cat killed a rat. (a.v.)
A rat was killed by the cat. (p.v.)
Voice is of two kinds. They are:
  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice
Active Voice: The Active voice is that form of a verb which shows that the person or thing denoted by the subject does something.
E.g. India won the cricket match.
Passive Voice: The Passive voice is that form of a verb which shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.
E.g. The cricket match was won by India.
Uses of Passive voice
  1. The Passive voice is used when the person or thing acted upon[object] is to be made important.
  2. The Passive voice is also used when the doer is unknown or when for any reason we do not care to name the doer.

General Rules for changing the Active voice into Passive voice
  1. Change the object of the verb into the subject of the sentence.
  2. The form of passive verb is be + Past Participle (V3). So change the verb into Past Participle(V3)
  3. Change the be – form (Helping verb) according to the tense of the active verb and the number and person of the new subject.
  4. In general add agent “by”.
  5. Change the subject of the sentence into Object of “by”.
E.g. I play football.
Football is played by me.
Changing Assertive Active voice into Passive voice
Active Voice [Structure example]
Passive Voice [Structure example]
Simple Present
Sub + V1 / s + obj
I play football.
He plays football.
New. Sub + am / is / are + V3 +by + New.Obj
Football is played by me.
Football is played by him.
Present Continuous
Sub + am / is / are + V1 + ing + Obj.
He is playing football.
N.S. + am / is / are + being + V3 + by + N. O
Football is being played by him.
Present Perfect
Sub + have / has + V3 + Obj.
He has played football.
N.S. + have / has + been + V3 + by + N.O.
Football has been played by him.
Simple Past
Sub + V2 + Obj.
I played football.
N.S. + was / were + V3 + by + N.O.
Football was played by me.
Past Continuous
Sub + was / were + V1 + ing + Obj.
I was playing football.
N.S. + was / were + being + V3 + by + N.O.
Football was being played by me.
Past Perfect
Sub + had + V3 + Obj.
He had played football.
N.S. + had been + V3 by + N.O.
Football had been played by him.
Simple Future
Sub + will / shall + V1 + Obj.
I will play football.
N.S. + will / shall + be + V3 + by + N.O.
Football will be played by me.
Future Perfect
Sub + will / shall + have + V3 + Obj.
I will have played football.
N.S. + will / shall + have + been + V3 + N.S.
Football will have been played by me.

Note : When the sentence contains Auxiliary Verbs like will, shall, should, would, could, need , may, might, ought to, have to, used to, etc. the Be- form used is “Be”.
1. He will write a letter tomorrow. (A.V.)
A letter will be written by him tomorrow. (P.V.)
2. I can do it.
It can be done by me.

Changing Questions of Active Voice into Passive Voice

  1. Change Interrogative sentence into Assertive sentence.
  2. Change the Voice of the verb in the Assertive sentence according to the general rules.
  3. Then change the changed Assertive sentence into Interrogative sentence.
Note : Questions are mainly of three types. They are:
  1. Questions introduced by Interrogative Pronouns.
  2. Questions introduced by Auxiliary Verbs.
  3. Questions introduced by Interrogative Adverbs.
  1. Questions introduced by Interrogative Pronouns
E.g.1.] Interrogative : Who rang the bell ?
Passive : The bell was rung by whom ?
Interrogative Passive : By whom was the bell rung ?
  1. In Active : What do you want ?
Assertive : You want what
In Passive : What is wanted by you ?
  1. In Active : What are you doing ?
Assertive : You are doing what
In Passive : What is being done by you ?
2. Questions Introduced by Auxiliary Verbs
E.g. 1. Interrogative Active : Did they do it ?
Assertive Affirmative : They did it.
Negative : They did not do it.
Assertive Passive [ + ] : It was done by them.
Assertive Negative : It was not done by them.
Interrogative : Was it done by them ?
Was it not done by them?
3. Questions introduced by Interrogative Adverbs
E.g. In Active : Why did they do it?
Assertive : [ why ] they did it.
Passive : [ why ] it was done by them ?
Interrogative : Why was it done by them ?

Changing Imperative sentences of Active Voice into Passive Voice
Imperative sentences can be changed into Passive Voice in the following way :
E.g. 1. Tell him to go. (A.V.)
Let him be told to go. (P.V)
2. Post the letter. (A.V.)
Let the letter be posted. (P.V.)
3. Give the order. (A.V.)
Let the order be given. (P.V.)
4. Please enter by this door. (A.V.)
You are requested to enter by this door. (P.V.)
Other ways of changing A.V. into P.V.
1.) The preposition “by” is generally used in the Passive voice; but
a) “With” is used with the verbs ‘please”, “satisfy”, “throng”, “line”.
b) “At” is used with the verbs “surprise”, “astonish”, “vex”, “annoy”.
c) “To” is used with “know”.
d) “In” is used with “contain”.
E.g.1. He pleased her.
She was pleased with him.
2. The news surprised her.
She was surprised at the news.
3. I know him.
He is known to me.
4. The box contains many pens.
Many pens are contained in the box.
2.) Prepositions of the Phrasal verbs will be written in the same way in the passive voice.
E.g.1. She sent for the doctor.
The doctor was sent for by her.
2. He laughed at her.
She was laughed at by him.
3.) When the sentence contains two objects, passive voice can be formed with either of the objects.
E.g.1. He gave me a book. (A.V.)
I was given a book by him.
A book was given to me by him. (P.V.)
4.) Avoiding Object in Passive Voice.
E.g.1. Someone murdered him.
He was murdered.
2. Someone has picked my pocket.
My pocket has been picked.
3. One should keep one’s promises.
Promises should be kept.
Sentences containing Infinitive
E.g.1. It is time to close the shop.
It is time for the shop to be closed.
2. Having crossed the bridge, they attacked the enemy.
The bridge having been crossed, they attacked the enemy.
Sentences containing Gerunds
E.g.1 Now there is no danger of his betraying you.
Now there is no danger of your being betrayed by him.
2. I went to see the launching of a rocket.
I went to see a rocket being launched.
Sentences with “That” Clause
E.g.1. We say that he is a teacher.
It is said that he is a teacher.
2. They believe / think / find / consider / know / feel / understand / report // that the earth is round.
It is believed / thought / found / considered / known / felt / understood / reported that the earth is round.
Sentences with verbs like “taste, smell, feel”
E.g.1 The flower smells sweet.
The flower is sweet if / when it is smelt.
2. The curd tastes sour.
The curd is sour if / when it is tasted.
3. The cloth feels soft.
The cloth is soft if / when it is felt.
Compound Sentences
E.g.1. God made man and man made city.
Man was made by God and city was made by man.
2. We can take a horse to the pond but we cannot make it drink.
A horse can be taken by us to the pond but it cannot be made to drink.
Complex Sentences
E.g.1. If you win a medal, the school will give you a prize.
If the medal is won by you, you will be given a prize by the school.
2. As you spoke the truth, I excuse you.
As the truth was spoken by you, you are excused by me.
3. This is the boy who stole my pen.
This is the boy by whom my pen was stolen.